Dont forget... the pyrimids WILL exist! it's how Russell got his dates! All hail the pyrimids!
New light for you
JoinedPosts by New light for you
Places that won't exist in the "Paradise Earth"
by Zico inmachu picchu, peru.
itsukushima shrine, japan.
taj mahal, india .
Share something Odd about yourself
by KW13 ini have extra lil tiny bits on both ears.
i have an extra large thingy..
New light for you
I LOVE someone tickleing the bottoms of my feet.....aaaaahhhhh....
I always say if i get rich, i'll hire a personal tickler... all over is just as good, LOVE the bottoms of feet though....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh......
what is the best jwd thing to happen to you?...from another jwder
by oompa inhow good can it get here folks?...........many here care for each other....we need each other...but how much? far??.....oompa.
btw...thanks all...many have made me laugh...and made me cry...and made me sober...(and some made me hor.ey).
New light for you
Friends. ones that have become "in person" some "on the phone" and some just thru their typing have become wonderful people to have.
Most of all, KNOWING that we're making the right decision, all our suspicions are correct. I feel SO bad for people that 'left the truth' before the internet and felt like they must be crazy, like they still might die at armageddon and all. Its wonderful to have all the resources provided, all the questions answered without a doubt... so you CAN move on.
------And hubbys scar from shooting the gun at OOMPA's..... he thinks all the girls are all over him cuz now he has a cool scar... when really your a DORK for not learning how to use a firearm before you shoot it!
cheating on you Feild service time
by Iwonder17 ini'm curious how many people do this and what is the most that you ever wrote down that you didn't do?.
my highest was 12 when i only went out 1 hour .
New light for you
Robert is a big poopie stinky head, cuz i would cry at him about NOT studying with the kids and counting the time, and how he was gonna BURN!!!
I never cheated on service time. i was a good girl.
Does anyone remember the big 6 month Bible study push during the mid 1990s?
by neverendingjourney ini was a regular pioneer for a while during the mid 90s, about a year or two after the knowledge book replaced the live forever book as the primary bible study manual.
around that time the society began to spew a bunch of b.s.
about the end being so near (hadn't heard that one before) and how there were waiting lists for bible studies in many former soviet countries.
New light for you
I feel so honored and privledged....
I was babtized in 90, and almost not.... the Pioneer sister that brought us (my mother and i) in the truth, DROPPED us as a study because we "wern't progressing fast enough" ... we studied religiously (hahha) for a year, went to all meetings, i believe we were even out in service at that time, just about baptized then she dropped us.
We were SOOO upset! It was almost like it was a "test" to see if we would just leave (of course not stupid us) or have the faith to continue on....
So next meeting we talked to the elder we sat in front of and he decided to study with us... how sweet.
I still remember how absolutely horrible we felt when she dumped us. We had already given up all worldy holidays, worldy friends, and then.. thrown us away.
I'm feeling sad.......I LOST it all in a moment of weakness
by journey-on ini blame it on the summer heat.
it was a spur of the moment thing.
years to obtain, i lost in a few minutes.
New light for you
I TOTALLY understand. I did that last October and just NOW am starting to have a decent length. I had it in a little pixie cut when i was done... we're talkin SHORT!!
I cried for the first few months. It sucks. but i've done it before and i'll probably do it some other time in my life. Its always at a time when i need some kind of drastic change... cant move, cant buy a new livingroom set... net thing left... CUT MY HAIR OFF AND MAKE MYSELF MISERABLE! yay!
It sucks. we all do it for some reason though.
feel like I've walked into a tar pit
by lancelink inaround three years ago my wife started to invite the mormon missionaries in, and have discussions with them.
this went on for several months, then the get together s started to be 2-3 times a week.
i would work late because i wanted .
New light for you
The only thing i could say is in that famous book "Combatting cult mind control" it ALWAYS uses the idea of meeting with "EX" whatever group members to get people to think again about joining.. i really do think this would be THE TIME to do that with the wife...
Wow. good luck.
New light for you
Dont forget, we all understand here and have all been thru it to different degrees.
Welcome, hope you can post on your own soon!
My First Post!!!
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inafter a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions i decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine.
hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me!
being raised in the wtbts, the jehovahs witness docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated.
New light for you
welcome! Love your smurf... fortunately i wasn't in the truth until i was a teenager... so i could watch smurfs, but i hate to tell you guys, smurfs sucked! I mean, i think you all wanted it because it was restricted, i didn't even like cabbage patch dolls just cuz they were freakin ugly!
Maybe i was just "warming up' to become a witness!!! (EWE!!)...
anyway.. after 20years... its great to get away... hope you enjoy your new found freedom and enjoy your NEW friends here!
What should I do with the old magazines?
by sacolton ini've got two boxes full of watchtower and awake magazines dating back to 2000 maybe abit further.
should i just trash them?
New light for you
if i recycled them i would be afraid that I might accidentally get someone interested in them.. i think a shreadder or a wood-chipper would be best.